... and I woke up and found myself in gluten-free heaven.
Yesterday I went to McDonalds and bought myself a cheese burger. A gluten-free cheese burger. Actually, it is possible to get a gluten-free bun for ever burger you like. But I went for a cheese burger. I've never thougth that a cheese burger can make me so happy.
I've heard that it is quite easy to get gluten-free food in Sweden. But trust me, you have to experience this yourself. I'm attending a conference in Stockholm this week and gluten-free life has never been easier. During the morning break there are gluten-free rolls waiting for me (the best gluten-free rolls I've ever had), every restaurant at the fair has gluten-free options and in the afternoon there are gluten-free muffins or cinnamon rolls available. Today three different menues were offered for lunch and I could eat ALL of them! They are even gluten-free appetizers available! The best thing though: You don't have to explain. It's always the same answer: Glutenfri? No problem. Just two minutes. I go and get you something.
Breakfast has never been easier. Can you see the bread, the muffin, the cookies and the cinnamon roll in the picture above? All gluten-free. I was actually meant to eat everything this morning (which I almost did because it was so good).
I haven't been to a supermarket yet. But I'm already excited to test all the gluten-free things that are available.